By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 12:34 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch, watching The Avengers with my 4-year-old daughter, who loves the Hulk. When Hulk finally showed up, she excitedly looked at me and screamed, "Hulk Smash" before slamming both of her fists into my balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 537
You deserved it 6 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Badass daughter if I say so myself

She has the makings of a superhero. You should be proud.


I don't know why no one has told you that your daughter is 4 and she shouldn't be watching the Avengers! I'm a fan as much as the next person but you deserve it for being an idiot and thinking she's not going to copy what she sees on TV! Media entertainment can have a big impact on children. Research it and find out what is proper for your child!

@18 I've never had a nerdgasm in my life before I saw that in the movie. The chills! (Hulk has always been one of my favorites :P)

The Avengers isn't super violent but four still seems a little young (especially since they imitate everything at that age. I'm not sure where she got the idea to hit her dad in the balls though, I don't remember that scene in the movie.) OP should keep her from watching the X-Men movies though, otherwise she'll find knives or other sharp objects and put them between her fingers, pretending she's Wolverine and has metal claws.

I think she is secretly trying to tell you something. She doesn't want siblings. I would listen

MrZsDad 19

Good parenting! Now just get it to stick throughout the teen age years and you are set.