By Anonymous - 30/01/2014 12:34 - United States

Today, I was sitting on the couch, watching The Avengers with my 4-year-old daughter, who loves the Hulk. When Hulk finally showed up, she excitedly looked at me and screamed, "Hulk Smash" before slamming both of her fists into my balls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 537
You deserved it 6 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Badass daughter if I say so myself

She has the makings of a superhero. You should be proud.


Now that, Daryl is a little ass-kicker

Perdition25 12

Wrong, Ball-Buster is her name.

happyfingers 15

And that is the moment I'd have turned off the movie and put her in time out.

hmm that's a real hulk smash ..sorry op it happens

I think you might be raising a potential she hulk in the family.

While Thor is my guy, my four year old daughter somewhere picked up the Hulk as her favorite, she plays with him WITH her Barbies.

I babysit a four year old who loves Hulk and says Hulk Smash when we play the Lego Avengers game :)

If you're lucky, she'll grow up fast and like Shrek instead: big and green, but a better vocabulary and easier on the nuts.

My daughter gets crazy with the hulk too but nothing like that. Lol.