By Karate Kid - 25/05/2012 06:29 - Australia - Surry Hills

Today, I was showing some new karate moves in the park to my friends. I mimed a punch behind a girl walking past to show my technique and control, but she must have seen me. She turned around and kicked me in the stomach. To add insult to injury, her technique was better than mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 972
You deserved it 35 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Something tells me that you aren't the chosen one...

don't mind me as i use my special technique to click the YDI button


You guys are idiots, He didn't deserve her to actually kick him when he only MIMED the punch.

I wouldn't say he deserved it, but he should've at least expected a negative reaction when miming a punch at someone. 'Cause to the person walking past, it sure as hell won't look like he's miming it.

thatoneguy79 10

27) If I happen to be walking by someone and see an unprovoked assault headed my way, I am not going to stop and wait for them to hit me in order to determine if they are miming for their friends or after my kin. I will react to the pending assault in order to protect and defend myself. This is why when playing around, only play with those that know. Assuming you don't want your ass kicked.

Well, you're right it one respect. She shouldn't have actually kicked him. She should have actually kicked his ass. He was showing off. He threatened her. She had no reason to believe that he was not serious and wouldn't go further. And, he was an idiot. Need I go on or should I send her over to kick your ass too?

#27 - if someone comes up to you without warning and throws a punch towards you, especially from behind, you do not have time to consider whether they might be miming. Also, if you have trained to any significant extent then you will react on reflex: someone punches towards you then you will block, or counter-attack or whatever. Show a move on a friend who knows what to expect - fine. Show a move to a random passer-by - expect trouble.

Clearly judon't know what you're doing.

And this is why you don't try to fake punch someone in the back of the head

You don't point at something you don't intend to kill; that's one of the first basic tenets of gun control. Duh!

ChickInGreenVans 12

Daaang!! You guys are really harsh though!! So please keep your smartass comments to yourselves.. Hate me or Rate me** Please rate me though I DARE!! YOU!! Signed from an African Princess**

Before you get buried (because I can gurantee it'll happen), let me tell you something for next time: If you get thumbed down, deal with it. Suck it up. Move on to the next FML. But please, for the love of all that is holy, don't post a comment about it. This isn't Youtube, Facebook or Twitter, so nothing on those social networking sites applies here. You're just begging to get verbally assaulted. Now, the mods might be gracious enough to remove this comment, but if not, prepare for a shitstorm.

Oooookay, why I am mildly turned on...?

ChickInGreenVans - Keep the smartass comments to myself? Last I checked this was the COMMENT SECTION. *rereads site rules* Yup, I see nothing there about smartass comments being forbidden. In fact, I suspect that if you ask the moderators, the smartass comments are the ones that would be most accepted and appreciated, other than helpful and insightful Cinn-type comments. But who the hell wants to read THOSE?

ChickInGreenVans 12

Honestly, I tried to be nice about it, but just stop commenting. For now, anyway. I'm trying to refrain from using any language, so please don't push me.

ChickInGreenVans 12

Yawn!! Dont tell me what to do.. Pig!!

So I'm a pig for trying to help you avoid making your already piss-poor situation worse? Interesting logic there. And this isn't ******* elementary school. "Dont tell me what to do"? Really? I was giving you advice. But you're obviously too stupid and mouthy to take it, so I'll just leave your sorry ass to get buried. Happy FMLing!

ah ... one day you will learn, young grasshopper

lovepink333 0

If it was me, I would have knocked you up side the head.