By -_- - 05/07/2013 21:59 - United States - Munith

Today, at a family dinner, my mother-in-law talked me into showing off some moves that I've learned in martial arts. I gently did a restraining hold on her. She screamed that I was trying to break her wrists, and kept the wounded act up all night, smirking as everyone gave me death glares. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 587
You deserved it 5 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

One by one OPs family were mysteriously struck down that night, no one knows who was responsible for the ninja like attacks but some say that the OPs tortured soul exacted revenge on all those who fell for the evil wench of an aunts tricks... and that concludes story time guys.


After reading your comment the song "What is love?Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me. No more" got stuck in my head. :)

GoodLookingGeese 10

I know, where was the wife with this? I would NEVER let my Mom treat my husband that way.

Wizardo 33

One by one OPs family were mysteriously struck down that night, no one knows who was responsible for the ninja like attacks but some say that the OPs tortured soul exacted revenge on all those who fell for the evil wench of an aunts tricks... and that concludes story time guys.

If you wrote a book, I would buy it.

Is it weird that I instantly thought of "And Then There Were None" when I read this?

pinguino3669_fml 23

Yeah, that and 10 Little Indians

KiddoKS 19

Those are actually the same... Great story by Agatha Christie.

astralvagan 20

Sounds like most mother-in-laws I know..... They will do whatever they can to either make you seem or feel not good enough..... That sucks though OP.... Hopefully they all see through her shit eventually

SelenaMilkshake 17

How immature. Are all mother-in-laws like this?

Yes, all of them. Once one almost wasn't, but then she was.

No they're not all like that, case in point; My mother-in-law speaks very little english, she just asks if I'm hungry all the time. After a bit, I get yummy Laotian food.. I can say that my mother-in-law kinda rocks.

The fact that she had to talk you into breaking her wrists should be enough to make you blameless.

Chellybelly92 14

More like monster in law. Sorry OP.

RivetingTaleChap 6

Maybe she needs to be "shown" some more moves in private.

flockz 19

or maybe someone needs to show her privates some moves.