By Karate Kid - 25/05/2012 06:29 - Australia - Surry Hills

Today, I was showing some new karate moves in the park to my friends. I mimed a punch behind a girl walking past to show my technique and control, but she must have seen me. She turned around and kicked me in the stomach. To add insult to injury, her technique was better than mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 972
You deserved it 35 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Something tells me that you aren't the chosen one...

don't mind me as i use my special technique to click the YDI button


Results are more valid than technique. You can analyze technique all day long. All that matters is the result. She may have never studied martial arts at all and OP could have been a 8th degree black belt. It's irrelevant. Her attack conquered his defense. Technique is merely an idea. While you were analyzing her and your technique she was responding. Analysis is paralysis.

Crane kick would have been the way to go. That broad would have shit an egg roll. That was a joke if you did not get that while reading it

KingCeltic77 18

Heres how you settle it: have a highly choreographed, ridiculous mortal kombat/street fighter/ Bruce lee fight. Remember to use many sound effects and Eastern clichés, and shoot fireballs out of your hands. Problem solved!

YDI for showing off in front of your friends and pretending to punch random strangers. If you study martial arts, you should really know that regardless of how hard you think you are, there will always be people that are better than you.

"It matters not if the belt is white or black. We wear this white suit to show even masters have much to learn."

Something tells me your 8 years old