By notateen - 13/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was shopping with my baby daughter when an older woman came up to me. She glared and said, "You know, if you kids learned how to keep your legs closed, you wouldn't be a mother at 16." I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 118
You deserved it 4 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh thats a complement. You must look young.

Even if you were 16, she shouldn't have just come up and said that. People are unbelievably rude. Seriously, it's none of their business, screw off.


Look on the bright side; you have a beautiful daughter and still look younger than you are (I'm sure you'll appreciate this more as you get older)

boojenn 0

nobody gave a shit when our grandparents had kids at the ripe old age of 16-22. 25 years later it looked down apon hypocrites.

Exactly they dont want us repeating thier mistakes! So like I said LISTEN TO YOUR ELDERS! Most of the tine they are right!!!

No. Stop talking. Elders are people too, and they're not always right. Learn to think for yourself, and maybe you'll understand.

well it's good tht she thinks u look young! i bet that'll b helpful in the future when ur older ^^

Exactly! This is not a compliment, and I'm scared of the women who say that it is. Really? You want to look 16? Do you remember what you were like at 16??? You want people to think you're like that because of how you look?

What a miserable old bitch. Evven if you were 16, it's none of her ******* business :/ And yes, looking young will be useful in the future...when you're 40. Not when you're 25. I've been refused service in liquor stores and bars because I apparently looked underage despite having multiple forms of ID (now that I've cut my hair and dyed it dark I look older :D )

If I were the OP I'd have been like "Well it's easy to keep your legs closed when no one's trying to get in between them...oh wait, you know what that's like. By the way I'm 25."

and if old ladies would learn to keep their mouths shut they wouldnt look like they got lost from the nursing home. "hello nursing home i think one of your patients has escaped. yes, the grocery store, yea she is yelling at me calling me a *****, no i have never seen her before. your on the way? thanks"

Ahahahahahaha you joker... that's actualy a good idea im gonna do that :D

omgmylifeisfed97 0

lmao.. i'd rather be younger than older, last year when my grandma was in the hospital the nurse asked me what collage i was going to. im gonna be 13:'( lmaoo

thats a compliment! she is saying you look young!