By notateen - 13/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was shopping with my baby daughter when an older woman came up to me. She glared and said, "You know, if you kids learned how to keep your legs closed, you wouldn't be a mother at 16." I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 118
You deserved it 4 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh thats a complement. You must look young.

Even if you were 16, she shouldn't have just come up and said that. People are unbelievably rude. Seriously, it's none of their business, screw off.


nomorewhoppers 0

stupid grannies think they know everything we dont step into there biz and call them out for wearing pampers they need to step off and shut the hell up that grandma had 500 years to learn that

thats a compliment! would u have rather her say "what the hell are you having a baby for at 50?" or "thats a lovely great grandchild you have there?"

thats actually good, that means when your 35 you'll look 26! so be happy sweetheart! dont fml!

So? Just tell her, "And if you learned to not make assumptions, you wouldn't have just stuck your foot in your mouth. I'm 25 years old, you cow."

when you will be closer to 30, you will start to be very happy of looking younger. I think this is not a FML.

Respond with a good solid "and if you knew how to think before speaking, you post menopausal bitch, maybe you wouldn't be a fifty year old virgin." (Okay, that might be a bit much)

I would've responded: if everyone were horrible & nosey like u, the world would be such a bitter place...speaking of which...did anyone question when u had ur legs open?!?

As much that it sucks being yelled at, in the future you'll love when people keep thinking you're waaaaaay younger than you really are!

FruitSalad4225 0