I'm still young

By jb123 - 29/12/2019 20:00 - United States - Rock Springs

Today, I was sitting in a waiting room with my two-month-old son. A sweet little old lady came up to me and said, "Maybe if you knew how to keep your legs closed, you wouldn't have a baby at 15, slut." I'm 23 and married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 007
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

And I hope you told her that and also told her maybe to not be such a hideous human.

MyNameIsPorter 23

Yeah, I'd say she's a little less than "sweet".


MyNameIsPorter 23

Yeah, I'd say she's a little less than "sweet".

Mungolikecandy 19

And I hope you told her that and also told her maybe to not be such a hideous human.

tell the lady that she'd be getting ****** herself if she wasn't such a nosy ****.

"Is your nose bleeding?" "What? No I--" *POW*

"I'm 23 and married for x years, you dumb old hag"

“Maybe if you weren’t such a bitter old bitch, you’d have someone who loves you.”

I hope you told the "sweet" old lady off. How damn rude. Maybe you look young for your age? I'm going to be 27 and people always think I look like I'm 18 or something. Its frustrating. Sorry for this happening to you OP. Best of luck!

Well, at least you look young. I’m beyond sick of people’s assumptions and have been snapping back. I hope you did too.