By notateen - 13/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was shopping with my baby daughter when an older woman came up to me. She glared and said, "You know, if you kids learned how to keep your legs closed, you wouldn't be a mother at 16." I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 118
You deserved it 4 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh thats a complement. You must look young.

Even if you were 16, she shouldn't have just come up and said that. People are unbelievably rude. Seriously, it's none of their business, screw off.


I wouldve told her, "Well maybe if asses could keep their assuming mouths shut us young looking 25 year old mothers could live in peace."

nikaikilam 0

sounds like a compliment to me

You'll look like you're 30 when you're 40.

well thats pretty ****** up. i mean really who would have the gaul to say that to someone in the first place. i mean even if you were 16 what if you were raped? god that woulda made her feel like a bitch. exact words id say: "Well thank you for your advice ill be sure to keep that in mind the next time I'm being raped and impregnated." jesus some people are such assholes.

terriibabiiix23 0

wow, that women is a BITCH. how dare she say that too you ! if someone said that to me, i would really offended, like NO joke. some people are just plain RUDE.

frivolous 0

That's when you very calmly say, "I'm 25." Followed by, "Oh, and BITCH IF YOU DON'T SAY YO SORRY IMMA DEEPTHROAT YO ASS WITH AN AK-47!"

hey take it as a compliment. you're 25 and look like you're 16

soeffineffed 0

I would have responded, "And if you could learn to keep your mouth shut you wouldn't have just made a total ass of yourself." But that's just me.