By notateen - 13/11/2009 20:26 - United States

Today, I was shopping with my baby daughter when an older woman came up to me. She glared and said, "You know, if you kids learned how to keep your legs closed, you wouldn't be a mother at 16." I'm 25. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 118
You deserved it 4 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh thats a complement. You must look young.

Even if you were 16, she shouldn't have just come up and said that. People are unbelievably rude. Seriously, it's none of their business, screw off.


Hm, yeah, overall, this is more of a compliment - just not what the old bat said. The old lady was indeed a bitch about it, but the fact remains that you still look young. In a few more years, it will start really paying off for the rest of your life. The only bad part about it is when people couple it with their stupidity. I get that stuff too, and it's annoying as ****, but I just keep in mind that at the end of the day, I'll be looking younger than those folks will and they will be jealous of it. You're lucky to have the young look (:

Being a father of a one year old boy at 23, it probably would have been a REALLY hard feat to hold my tongue and walkaway. Probably worse being a woman though because she basically called you a ***** and more than likely was referring to your daughter as a bastard child. ******* Assholes these days. On that note though, I feel like having kids in your twenties as opposed to thirties and fourties does have its advantages. Seems like the bigger the generation gap, the harder it is for children to identify in their parents, and vice versa. I was raised by my grandmother and I'll tell you, the differences in customs, ethics, political views, religion, etc, was so diverse that it made for a fairly difficult time. But we'll see when my kids 18 and I'm 40 :D

SkaterChic 0

oh wah wah you look so young, but you're older boo hoo, definitely an fml GET OVER IT

What the hell is with these old people nowadays? =_=

that's when you say "I'm 25" and it becomes a **** HER life!

I would have said back to her "You know if you would learn to keep your mouth shut, I wouldn't have to kick the shit out of you."

I'm 26 and I hate it when people think I'm under 18. I understand you there. You should have replied something like: "And if you were able to keep your mouth shut, you wouldn't have made such an ass out of yourself."

madmaggot515 0

Gah, how incredibly RUDE. My boyfriend and I babysit my niece and nephew sometimes, and we get pretty weird looks from people, like the other day we took my niece, who's 2, to the park, and this older woman looked at us and said knowingly "that's what happens when you don't use protection."

I would just call her a syphilis infected cum bubble