By drew - 18/12/2010 20:22 - United States

Today, I was run over by my own car as I tried to push it out of a snowbank. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 455
You deserved it 4 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Why would you be attempting that by yourself?

I can't really tell what OP was driving at, but we should stick with the facts, rather than get steered in the wrong direction and automatically assume OP is stupid. I'm trying to stay neutral, but I'm getting tired.


so... how do u manage to fail that badly? lmao

Seeing as the OP is American I'm pretty sure s/he'll find a way to sue someone for this.

is that what you would do 20? Blacks LOVE to sue you know. Even more than Americans!!!

why do people think Americans sue over everything?

Well, I don't think Americans sue over everything, but they have sued over the most trivial/idiotic of things, e.g., the lady that sued McDonald's for the "hot" coffee that spilled on her. This type of stupidity makes the headlines, and, unfortunately, it has happened several times, so people think "Americans sue over everything." Btw, I love Jeff Carter.

#38, I was thinking the exact same thing.

fakeaccountX 6

I haven't laughed this hard in weeks!

lol people she sued because she got 3rd degree burns from coffee. they kept it that hot on purpose.

Haha 20, well played. And I really don't think she was being serious guys.

ulicksam 0

51- It's SUPPOSED to be hot you moron.

FFML_314 11

Why would you be attempting that by yourself?

Because he didn't have somebody fat like you to help him push!

Shoulda called for backup! You can't move a car by yourself.

very_ugly_girl 0

Only weak people call for help. Be a man or a woman, whatever you prefer and handle the issue yourself. Americans are so lazy and weak.

kayybby 1

^ Every comment I have read by you makes me despise you're lack of intelligence more and more. Where in the fml did OP say they called for help? And Americans are weak and lazy? Being close minded and completely ignorant gets you no where in life my dear. Oh and I'd LOVE to see you move a car by yourself, out of a snowbank. Let me know how that works out for you.

MEM0817 18

Uhh firstly kayybby, you're just as retarded as very_ugly_girl. You can't even use the word 'you're' correctly. Secondly, ugly girl was posting a comment in response to babygirlc1's comment.. Not in response to OP's story. Make sure your hands are clean before you start pointing fingers, you jackass

captainburke 5

I agree with you kayybby, but if you're going to comment on someone's lack of intelligence, you should make sure your grammar is correct.

I always wonder why your comments are moderated, now I see I'm not missing anything of value.

ryanst 7

Not to mention no more than 9 minutes after this post did he reply to the next post and get moderated.

You should be in a neutral state after this....too bad you can't drive stick either.

Why would anyone make a bank out of snow? Would it just melt in the summer

Great seasonal rates of course. Great liquidity too.

very_ugly_girl 0
alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Ouch, I'm sorry OP. We never face dilemmas like that, here in San Diego.

That must suck, barely/no snow? I've grown fond of how everything falls apart come Winter.

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

Yeah we don't get any snow whatsoever... it is raining though :)

7lollypop7 0

At least it's better than Aruba. It's the same temperature throughout the whole year and it pisses me off

alaaloo_fml_fml 0

How did you manage that unless you were pulling it? That is a spectacular failure on your part, OP. I cannot imagine how you can push a car and end up with it coming back over you.

chillinAK 9

I tried commenting the same thing. Having to remove cars from the side of the road before, there is no possible way to do this unless they are extremely stupid. YDI all the way.

maybe it was up a tiny hill or something ? but I agree (:

And the first thing you do? Run and tell FML! Obviously.

very_ugly_girl 0

Today, I was ran over by my car by trying to push it out of a snowbank and then immediately told everyone about it on fml. fml

buhajahahajahahahaahahahahaha that's all I have to say about this fml.