By warningxxLidell - 09/01/2010 06:45 - United States

Today, I was driving on roads that were bad from two days of snow. I spun my car out, and ended up half-way in a ditch. Thinking that I could push my car out of the snow, I got out of my car, landing in waist deep snow. When trying to get back in, I fell neck deep into snow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 681
You deserved it 6 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

If you don't live where it snows, roads being bad after two days of bad weather will make no sense to you. Snow plows can only do so much. The roads are still left with a bit of ice and snow on them and it doesn't melt until it stops snowing and the sun comes out. Even with salt and sand down, roads can be trecherous. I live in CT where we have efficient plow crews, and I am still very cautious when driving for a few days after a blizzard. FYL OP. But the mental image is kind of funny :-)


jisaac09 25

18 has the only expiation cause if the car was moving then the snow couldnt have been 3 feet deep for the OP to sink up to her waist..... and if there was a plow that pushed the snow into the ditch then the snow would have been hard enough to walk thru..... this is a fake..... Im srry but i only come to to read FMLs and if they didnt happen then they arent FML but at least make em plausible....

lamezzzville 0

I drove my jeep through over 5 feet of snow... ended up pretty much on its side and was able to get out of it in neck deep snow :-P when I jumped off the rocker panel I was in over my neck...

if you were neck deep OP, then you wouldn't be able to get out, and hypothermia?

have seen people get out cause you forgot they were half in half on the plowed road they get out on the plowed part see/think its not deep and move to the front to push and BAM in the snow they are which plows dont push snow for it to be hard all over. i was on a snow plow berm and sank in and it was a tight spot should have all been hard

8th! On someones 2nd comment! OMGZ WE ARE SO COOL! :D

4th! Jumping jesus on a pogo stick i'm cool.

hurtandabused 7

Don't move again lol call for help

rooskieroo 0

serious of unfortunate..and retarded events.

Infamia 0

LOL, sounds like something from a cartoon. :D Sorry about that, though.

Fminetoo 0

I was wondering why my dishes are still dirty and i didnt get my sandwhich. lol. Jk, sorry about your luck OP, i feel your pain, im in Northeast Ohio. I havent left my house in three days, but then again, that may be because im carless. lol.

FunnyWeasel 7

two days of snow? where the hell is the snow plows?

I would assume the snow plows would put more snow in the ditch.