By prewald92 - 07/03/2015 04:03

Today, I didn't get the promotion I interviewed for at work. A guy who's worked here for only two months did. My supervisor's reason: she doesn't think I'm going to amount to anything. I work at Home Depot to pay my way for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 076
You deserved it 2 612

prewald92 tells us more.

OP here just to clarify a few things. The position was just part time supervising other cashiers and making sure they get their breaks on time. I've been with the store two years now but life goes on. As for college I take all my classes online and any classes I have to take on campus I have down to just going one day a week, so I can get hours to take care of my daughter.I was more offended by her comment but she can think whatever she wants.

Top comments

I'm sure you're more qualified, but she's probably looking for someone more long term. Since you'll probably leave when you have a better job opportunity in the future.

I'm sure that you'll be laughing at them once you get your degree and move on to bigger and better things!


Doesn't sound like a place you want to be working very much longer at anyway. Especially post-college

#1 is right, and a better position at work usually comes with more responsibility which will only distract from schoolwork to get a degree to get somewhere better.

brunettesara5722 17

exactly, if they don't appreciate you then you shouldn't work for them. find some place that deserves you however, there might be other factors you didn't get the promotion op. I'm sure you can look into it.

That might actually be WHY OP's boss made this decision. I mean, it's completely douchey and possibly illegal (?) but, why bother promoting and training someone you know has no plans on staying in the company? Maybe that's what she meant by 'won't amount to anything' (in this company).

Or alternatively, maybe OP just isn't that good at their job? Lots of people think they're amazing at work but completely aren't. We don't really have anything to go on other than OP's personal opinion...this other guy could actually be really good.

I'm sure you're more qualified, but she's probably looking for someone more long term. Since you'll probably leave when you have a better job opportunity in the future.

We don't know what the other person that worked there 2 months past experiences is? He might have an amazing résumé. My BF is a manager at Home Depot. They usually promote someone that's best suited for the job. Just because the OP was there longer doesn't mean she's automatically the best qualified for that promotion. If she's in college the job position might require someone with more flexible hours, one that her college classes would interfere with. There are some that make Home Depot their careers and perhaps that's who they decided to promote?

Fairly certain #2 has the right idea, it's kept me from a few promotions at hourly jobs

Work really hard so that one day you can be her boss.

Doesn't seem like a justifiable reason- perhaps you can talk to HR about it.

Loveyou6611 20

Good job OP! Keep your head up you can such great things, and some people feel the need to push down people like you so they don't feel so bad about themselves.

She may not have meant in life. She may think you won't amount to anything within the management structure of Home Depot. Maybe your just not very good at your job, or you don't have the skills for the promotion.

Or maybe she meant that because you're in college, you won't be there long term and therefore won't "amount to anything" within the store if you're just going to leave after college? There's also the possibility that the other person was better qualified. Either way, your boss shouldn't have worded it like she did. She's a jerk for saying it that way.

ninety 25

What the hell skills do you need for a management job in retail? You don't.

saraitkddh 47

You said it OP, you are in college and I am sure soon you can be her boss! It is a matter of time.

I'm sure that you'll be laughing at them once you get your degree and move on to bigger and better things!

That might exactly be the reason for not getting the promotion....directly moving on after graduating.

Screw the people wok say you can't do something or won't amount to anything. My dad had a teacher in high school tell him he should drop out and go work on the family farm because he wasn't smart enough to amount to anything. He now has a bachelors degree, two masters degrees, retired a colonel in the Air Force, and still works in the civil service. Don't let anyone tell you you can't, because you can.