By imsorrytimmy - 02/04/2009 15:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on MSN with my friend and my 9 year old brother. My friend asked me for some advice about how to give a guy a good blowjob. I went into great detail, and then realised that I had typed it to the wrong window. I gave my little brother tips on how to perform fellatio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 950
You deserved it 114 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I just don't get why you would be talking to your 9 year old brother on MSN. I think that's the real FML out of that situation.

Eh, don't worry, everybody gets that talk sooner or later. My dad taught me when I was 8, so no worry.


Eh, don't worry, everybody gets that talk sooner or later. My dad taught me when I was 8, so no worry.

noobgang7 5

he showed you how to give a *******? oh op.. did ur bro use ur tips?

depotst 0

I wonder what was said exactly.. interesting,

1221jamw 11

"Sally told me about tootsie pops and stuff today!"

chenny2013 10

Ur dad taught you how to give a *******?! WTF???!!!!

I learned what sex is by myself when I was 7, don't even know how. And learned what a ******** is at 10.... Dafuq is wrong with me

Don't know...but it's definitely nothing to be proud of!

effevery1slife 0

chipmunk... ur dad taught u how to give good oral at age 8?

#2- I think it was an attempt at humor.

Epickitty58 29

People make mistakes. I'm such a klutz I could've done the same thing. Don't act like you're perfect.

I just don't get why you would be talking to your 9 year old brother on MSN. I think that's the real FML out of that situation.

TapeMan_3000 0

^^ this. kids these days hahaha.

Ever occurred to you they might live in different cities? Maybe the girl is studying away? Not everybody on the internet is a 12-year-old living with their families, you know?

5ive 0
blland 0

#6 - examples include "i'm at college" "i'm in england" and/or "i'm hospitalized". and any other reasons why a brother isn't necessarily just next door.

#1, you learned how to give a ******* @ 8 years old... from your DAD?