Hail Santa

By Holidayruined - 26/12/2021 10:59

Today, my 16 year-old son had a tantrum over me asking him to clean up his room, and decided to tell my 6 year-old daughter that Santa isn't real, and that it was me who bought her presents. My daughter is inconsolable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 190
You deserved it 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So take back every gift you got the 16yr old as punishment. I always told my older kids if they ruin Santa for their younger siblings who still believe, nothing comes for them

Strip his room bare! Mama Only leave the necessary stuff.He can earn it back.


So take back every gift you got the 16yr old as punishment. I always told my older kids if they ruin Santa for their younger siblings who still believe, nothing comes for them

mccuish 25

What do you mean Santa isn’t real? What the present that were under the tree marked from Santa *starts crying*

Strip his room bare! Mama Only leave the necessary stuff.He can earn it back.

And that's when you tell your daughter that your son is lying because he's on the naughty list and Santa won't bring him anything. And then literally, give him nothing for Christmas. If he's going to behave like a child, he should be treated as such.