By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 13:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend called me in the middle of the night and told me he got mugged and was on his way to the hospital. I told him to fuck off because that was a horrible April Fool's joke. He asked if I wanted to talk to the paramedic. I told him to stop bothering me. Turns out it was true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 967
You deserved it 140 315

Same thing different taste

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omglolydi 0

Today, I called my girlfriend on the way to the hospital after I had been mugged. She thought I was joking. When I asked if she would like to speak to the paramedic taking care of me, she called me a nuisance. I wasn't joking. FML

Wow, you are a jackass. I hope he dumps you.


responses 0

so how's being single going? if you need help getting another boyfriend because everyone hates you now, don't post "caring or compassionate" on your online dating site. because guess what your an asshole(:

responses 0

I hope he dumps your sorry ass in the middle of nowhere and makes you walk home. have fun being single, and when your 60 years old and still single, you can tell all your 30 cats about why your single, and they will all laugh because they know that even they can treat a guy better than you. yeah, you'll get what you deserve, bitch.

klumzy0123456789 6

why wud he b joking about something like that? girll u need to b more trustworthy

and notice how this was posted on April 2nd lol

TheChampagneBoi 5

How could she know!!!! If he had o ask it doesn't mean she knows Spanish so shut the he'll up and don't gang up on her

Today, I got violently mugged. In my vulnerable situation, I turned to the person I needed most. She refused to believe me and thought I was just making an annoying joke and hung up. FML.

wow you're really mean. your poor boyfriend :(

Most likely he isn't her boyfriend anymore... I know I would have broken up with her.

omglolydi 0

Today, I called my girlfriend on the way to the hospital after I had been mugged. She thought I was joking. When I asked if she would like to speak to the paramedic taking care of me, she called me a nuisance. I wasn't joking. FML

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@ #2, you're comment is stupid., you obviously meant to offend...liar

See, that's why I would say "if this is a joke, it's not a funny one, I would be so upset if something happened to you" or something. Then (unless he's a complete dick) he says he was kidding... and if not then you know he's for real. I'd never tell my man to **** off, especially not for something like that. Geez...