By Jake - 01/07/2009 12:28 - Australia

Today, I logged on to MSN for the first time in a month. In under 10 minutes, I found out that my little sister had changed my screen name to Jake the Weiner, told my friend that he should "suck my d***" and sent an email to all my contacts declaring my love for my best friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 961
You deserved it 6 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is when you embarass the hell out of her. I am sure she has something juicy that she doesnt want people to know about. Do some digging! Get her back tenfold, bro.

unholyfury 0

soo.. are you two together now? lol


unholyfury 0

soo.. are you two together now? lol

randomguy1millon_fml 0

he should admit his gayness and come out with it

That is when you embarass the hell out of her. I am sure she has something juicy that she doesnt want people to know about. Do some digging! Get her back tenfold, bro.

rc024 0

Holy shit what a little bitch lol jk but no really you should get her back 10xs worse now that would be funny

i would kill my sister if she did that

padfoot_fml 0

No, that's times five. Your supposed to be going for ten.

Bro's, take a joke and get her back. Violence is never the answer

Your sister is a twat I too know what it's like to have a younger brother/sister don't worry, there are many of us out there I wish I was an only child FML FYL Feveryonewhohasalittlebro/sis'Ls

milgalo 0

I'm a little sister, but I'd never do anything that bitchy to my brother. O_o That's just ******* crazy.

I don't know how old you are, but I'm pretty sure when you were young, you ruined your older brother's life, but you just didn't realise it. or you did.

coldplaylive2003 0

My little brother did basically the same things to me over text when he stole my phone

that sucks my brother did that but I caught him and stopped it fyl