By Anonymous - 17/01/2018 18:30 - United States - Papillion

Today, I accidentally sent a nude to my 10-year-old brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 536
You deserved it 7 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're not in real trouble until he sends one back.

You just better hope he doesn’t start showing it to all of his friends.


You're not in real trouble until he sends one back.

Unless somebody thought it would be funny to switch your brother's phone number under your S.O.'s name, I really can't see how you could accidentally send one to your brother in the first place.

Perhaps, by having multiple numbers in your phone, accidentally selecting the wrong one without realizing it, and sending the message before you realize it? I believe that's how most people accidentally send the message to the wrong person.

You just better hope he doesn’t start showing it to all of his friends.

exileonmainst 16

Hey, stop with that! That’s the priest’s job!

Lobby_Bee 17

You threw him a bone, did he throw one back?

“Srsly, dude? Mine’s bigger ... and I’m 10!”

IAmClay 24

I want to hear the aftermath of this one