
By Anonymous - 19/01/2022 02:01

Today, there's a food thief in our office who manages to steal from the fridge without being caught, and everyone keeps blaming me, probably because I’m the fattest. I have a gastric band and can only eat a few mouthfuls before being full, but still people think I’m stealing entire bags of food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 623
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The thief could be one of the the people accusing you of theft.

Sasor123 6

Bring food and put laxative in it. Fastest way to find out just be sure to remember.


You could be eating their food in small portions throughout the day. That's how people can beat the gastric band.

The thief could be one of the the people accusing you of theft.

Sasor123 6

Bring food and put laxative in it. Fastest way to find out just be sure to remember.

I’m uncertain why everyone is blaming you…I recommend a meeting with HR.