By Where is the faith in Humanity - 07/11/2013 23:08 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I was in my room playing with my pet. I told my snake, "Who needs friends when I have you?" Through the wall I heard my neighbors say, "You do." I've never met my neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 349
You deserved it 9 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RpiesSPIES 27

Yes... Your snake... Lets call it that.

What a wonderful first impression you've left, but who cares when you have your snake!


That's pretty sad, I can be your friend :) just message me on kik or something

OP is going to end up on one of those fatal attractions animal planet series

repKyle95 24

Don't even mention that series - all they ever do is spew false information to feed people's fear of animals because they know that's what sells. Then people start trying to put ridiculous regulations in place to restrict the types of reptiles we can keep. I understand regulating endangered species and venomous snakes, but beyond that, why should someone else be allowed to tell me what animals I can keep in my own house? It's not like I'm forcing other people to interact with them. That's essentially like me telling you, "I don't like the color of your armchair" and then making it illegal to own.

time to introduce your snake to your neighbors..

Thr33to16 8

Probably because you never go out because you're too busy with your "pet snake "

jonahwalzer 12

A snake wont talk behind your back or do anything to hurt you!:)

SuperMew 22

Get it hungry enough and it might try to eat you.

They are creeps for eaves dropping apparently.

Why are you complaining for? Obviously your neighbor cared enough to give ya pretty good advice, so in a way wouldn't that make them a friend. I mean thats what friends do is help each other out. Maybe if ya wish upon a star, you could turn your snake into a human which could be your friend. Wait... dont do that. With legs he is bound to ditch your ass then. Forget the whole wish upon a star ordeal. Maybe you are better off with a snake being your friend. aha