By Where is the faith in Humanity - 07/11/2013 23:08 - United States - Tacoma

Today, I was in my room playing with my pet. I told my snake, "Who needs friends when I have you?" Through the wall I heard my neighbors say, "You do." I've never met my neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 349
You deserved it 9 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RpiesSPIES 27

Yes... Your snake... Lets call it that.

What a wonderful first impression you've left, but who cares when you have your snake!


JMichael 25

Use your snake as a threat for them to be your friends.

Your neighbor is too close and is a spy. Might have cameras all over your house. Creepy.

weirs cat lady, but with a new twist, snakes instead!

Adree 15
martin8337 35

Ive done this! Except my neighbors didn't reply....

repKyle95 24

I love you OP... Let it be known that FML has found me my soulmate.

Your neighbors were right. Snakes don't live long. Soon he'll throw up and die.

Sweetpea22 14

Really? I wonder why my friends python is still alive at age 24

xpokeloverx 6

My husband grew up with a ball python and they are both 26. Many snakes live to be 30-40 years depending on the species