By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I went to the pet store to get mice for my mom's snakes. While checking out, the guy working behind the register asked what kind of snakes I had. I told him they were my mom's and he mentioned this crazy woman that talks to her snakes. That's my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 764
You deserved it 4 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Minstrels 0

Why is it so crazy to talk to your pet? As long as you don't expect them to talk back, I see no problem. And if anything, it's more like "**** your mom's life", yo. :P Edit: I'm so glad jiequals3 got first and wasn't a dumb bitch and shouted first. Thank you, good person. :]

TornadoChaser 0

Most people talk to their dogs, snakes aren't any different. I would remind him that it's probably not a good policy to bad mouth costumers to other costumers. What is he going to say about you to the next guy in line?


That's hardly a FML more of a FHL, but my mom is crazy, too, i know how you feel

bxrv43 0

1st! But dude don't sweat it a lot of people talk to their pets, did she like really think they could hear her or something, other than that it's fine.

Snakes do not have ears (well their ears are covered by skin and scales). So they really couldn't hear her lol.

Minstrels 0

Why is it so crazy to talk to your pet? As long as you don't expect them to talk back, I see no problem. And if anything, it's more like "**** your mom's life", yo. :P Edit: I'm so glad jiequals3 got first and wasn't a dumb bitch and shouted first. Thank you, good person. :]

manoverboard 0

xDD Don't people do that for a living?

FBIWarning 0

lol crazy snake lady, what a great title to have :)

you obviously shouldve taken that opportunity to launch the perfect pickup line. 'hey maybe you could come over later, see my snake and maybe i can talk to yours ;D ;D ;D'

grp1216 0

bxrv43: 1. You weren't first. 2. Even if you were, no one would care.

TornadoChaser 0

Most people talk to their dogs, snakes aren't any different. I would remind him that it's probably not a good policy to bad mouth costumers to other costumers. What is he going to say about you to the next guy in line?