By tehhotness - 27/03/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I was going down on my girlfriend when I noticed a hickey near her hip. I said, "wow, last night was crazy, I don't even remember doing that!". Without even interrupting the action, she simply said, "You didn't". FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 770
You deserved it 6 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... she didn't even kinda feel remorseful. Sorry, dude!

she still your girlfriend? wtf is wrong with you! dump her!


FlightlessTalk 0

break up with her sorry ass. heartless.

You sure it was a hicky? Could've been a scratch or a bruise... If not, I feel bad for you

IMz0r 0

lucky girl gets alot of action 'down there' lol.

#3 is right. She was honest, you can either dump her with good reason now. Otherwise you can be just another guy to her.

dizzle_doneski 0

XDD, well it's not that bad.. a girl could have given her that.. ask her

At least she was honest. It sucks and you should end it, but at least she was honest.

Faced159 0

that's what you get for dating a ****!