By hoovered - 04/03/2009 16:24 - United States

Today, my friends decided it would be funny to give me a "hickey" with a vacuum cleaner while I was passed out drunk. Not only do I have to try and explain this to my girlfriend, but we're meeting her parents for lunch this afternoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 049
You deserved it 22 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#2, have you never passed out before? takes a damn nuclear blast to wake up.

tendollabill 0

well you sure got nice friends....


tendollabill 0

well you sure got nice friends....

listen, a vacuum hickey looks NOTHING like a Real one

oh there's a typo, there aren't.these majiggers around "friends"

adelaide_evening 0

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davidgclarkjr 6
fucMyLifeSoHard 18

#2 If you are passed out drunk, you aren't going to feel or hear anything.

Dang, you must be some kind of heavy sleeper, turtleneck time?

The poor guy was passed out drunk. He couldn't feel or hear anything.

#2, have you never passed out before? takes a damn nuclear blast to wake up.

i feel your pain. alcohol can suck sometimes.

Dude, how wasted were you that you couldn't hear the vacuum cleaner? Unless it's an incredibly quiet vacuum cleaner. I'd do it to you again if it's this easy, and cover your whole body with them. ;-P

taytay3696 0

idontget what woody talkin bout.but you a heavy sleeper!lol.thats kinda sad..but i mean tell her the truth what else.and like they said TURTLENECK TIME :P

Always remember to take the shoes off.

jumper_fml 0

1. ice it 2. use a brush and massage the area 3. stretch out your skin, and very painfull use a quarter to spread out the blood under the skin 4. ice it will be all red but it makes the hickey go away

SamuraiDeli 0

Your fault for being so drunk you passed out.