By afraidtoburn - 26/02/2012 04:18 - Canada

Today, I discovered that during fire drills, my school lines everyone up next to some extremely flammable and explosive propane tanks. If we ever have a real fire, we will all die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 386
You deserved it 2 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like they planned it all out well then.

So2011 4

Lol. At my school, we go to the back field which is full of dry grass. If there is a fire, the fire will be strongest where we are. Plus we would all be trapped since surrounding us is the school and a big fence.

Lol 8 my school is exactly the same :)....

n_epic_fail 14

It's a government conspiracy man! They know you know...

Having said that the tanks don't sound like they're particularly safe vessels for holding propane given that they are also "extremely flammable and explosive". :P

This sounds like my old school. The same school where the kids are allowed to have a fire pit now...

Why does a school have propne tanks nvm ones big enough to mow down students Btw if the fire gets to ur line id assume ud leave... Not like propane changes that right? Fire is fire

8, do you go to OceanLake in Lincoln City? O.o Cause that sounds EXACTLY like the Elementary school here. Big field in the back, surrounded by fence. Though a lot of schools might be that way...

Holy hell Gringe, what the **** are you trying to type for us?

DocBastard, we need your idiot to English translator! Or we need to bitch-slap some sense into Gringe, but slapping trolls makes your hand smell funny.

How about we slap Gringe WITH the DocBastard's translator? It'll translate his posts and hopefully beat some English into him.

hellbilly205 17

Sounds like a safe perfectly normal school to me...

When I was in high school, we had a bomb threat. We were all told to go to the football field, where we were supposed to stay until they checked the school. Luckily there wasn't really a bomb, because the football field was checked last, after we'd already been sitting out there for 2 hours. I guess any future bombers of that school know where to put the bomb?

LOL. What kind of ghetto school is this

What sort of massive ******* arsehole are you?

It could be planned out from the very start you know.

Smokey? What about the propane? Hank Hill is weeping over the misuse of Propane and Propane accessories.

I am studying fire dynamics at university right now and can assure you tanks of propane don't just blow up. You're safe.

X_Codes 11

@76 Nevermind that not all fires are massive infernos that burn everything in sight. Grease fires in kitchens are not all that rare or exceptionally dangerous to human life, but a big one could force an evacuation and get the fire department called in.

wlddog 14

I thought higher education was good for you. Where do you go to school, the "School of Hard Knocks"?

googlefrewdnoob 0

Its hardly a tenacious d reference, its a saying thats been around for a while

aurynforever 14

Could just as easily been a Jay-Z reference.

Keep it to yourself. Once they've foun out that you knew their master plan, you'll be asked to go to the guidence counselor for a "private meeting". In which you then will end up in a ditch and the star of those new corny comcast commercials. Don't end up in a corny comcast commercial *EXHALES DEEPLY*

Don't forget the tearing through the asshole

More like screams of agony from her fellow students who would be skewered by shrapnel from the explosion and possibly burning to death.

stevenJB 25

I think if they are standing that close you won't hear screams...just the boom and the sound of body parts falling to the ground :D maybe some screams of the ppl who were Lucky enough to be a distance away their screams when they wake up. Oh the beautiful image!

Well you are supposed to be in a spot where the fire can't reach you, so I wouldn't worry too much.

You're right, the fire wouldn't be able to reach her. But it would be able to reach the propane tanks!