No free lunch

By ParkingGuy - 15/08/2009 00:19 - United States

Today, while working as a parking booth attendant, I decided to be nice and give a woman free parking. I said, "Give me a high five and I'll give you free parking, since I already did the paperwork." She said, "I'd rather pay," with a really disgusted look. I also had to redo the paperwork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 641
You deserved it 8 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

Aww. My friend gives free parking at her job all the time. What an ungrateful lady... jeeez.

F the wench, if she can't be cool about free parking she'll get hers someday.


can't you get fired for that? aren't there cameras that could have seen you do that?

that_guy321 2

the amount would probably just be taken from the OP's paycheck

vampvalencia 0

I'd rather pay too. Stupid optimists.

GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

Aww. My friend gives free parking at her job all the time. What an ungrateful lady... jeeez.

F the wench, if she can't be cool about free parking she'll get hers someday.

Lol it aint free. It costs a high-five. They wlare awesome!

jem1991 0

Now come on, it's probably some dumb "I'm better than anyone else" blonde idiot. Unless he clearly had some disease or something questionable on his hand, FYL

You don't even know him, how can you say he's disgusting?

How the **** is a high-five disgusting?

debo123 0
I_ate_pikachu 0

Maybe she was being paranoid. Not many people are nice like that.

GGnoRe 0

Wow she's a bitch.. Why do people like her even exist anyways?

Christineiscool 0

Wow I can't believe you didnt flip that bitch

How much paperwork is necessary for parking? YDI, but it's not even an FML

I think you and her were thinking about two different high fives.....haha

UnicornsDoExist 0
CyclonePsycho 1

Her mind was obviously in the gutter then. Doesn't take much brain power to connect that he meant an actual high five. =