By DramaQueen - 19/07/2009 06:45 - Canada

Today, I broke up with my boyfriend. As I left his house and began to drive away, I see him chasing after my car barefoot. I stop and roll down the window, ready to listen to the speech he has prepared to win me over with. He takes a moment to catch his breath and says "I want my cellphone back". FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 832
You deserved it 62 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lyndis_fml 0

If you were prepared to listen to his speech, why did you break up with him? Should have tried to work shit out before you did something stupid. Since this is on FML, you're obviously upset that he doesn't want you back, so breaking up with him was just some ploy to get him to pay attention to you. Grow up.


I like the way you tell the story, brainer

Dmaster22 0

YDI for expecting him to beg you ugly **** your not worth shit.

icertainlysuck 0

I hope you threw the phone at your car window and it shattered into several pieces.

why the flying **** would you break up with him and want him to try to win you back, only to get upset when he doesn't? really?

#79 because the OP is a DramaQueen, duh :P

#81 is right OP is an attention *****. Unfortunately, telling her she's an attention ***** on the internet is what she wants. So, instead, I say to OP, go **** yourself, since you're the only one who's good enough for you.

iiNsTinK 0
Imawhalerider 0

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Why should she drive off? She broke up with him. I don't see how stealing his shit will make that okay.

that would also be a pretty bitchy thing to do

gurlthatwalks 0

uh why did you have his phone OP..?

taoxyeuxmay 4

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The OP broke up with him, obviously expecting that he would come crying to beg for her back. But right, he was obviously at fault. God damn I hate dumb bitches.

taoxyeuxmay 4

You really shouldnt go ripping people's head off just because I read too damn fast for my own good. Sheesh. Ass.

taoxyeuxmay 4

My god, I take back my comment. For some crazy reason, I read.. "Today, I woke up next to my bf, As I left his house and began to drive away....FML" Ok, you deserved it for expecting him to beg like a dog.

you are just an ignorant sexist... stop stereotyping

lyndis_fml 0

If you were prepared to listen to his speech, why did you break up with him? Should have tried to work shit out before you did something stupid. Since this is on FML, you're obviously upset that he doesn't want you back, so breaking up with him was just some ploy to get him to pay attention to you. Grow up.

/signed Hate it when people play this kind of game. It's really not good for trust, which is the cornerstone of any relationship, and besides, it's just plain selfish and careless to play with someone's emotions like that. YFDI, B*tch

Agreed. If you broke up with him because you didn't want to see him anymore, like a normal person would do, then you should be happy he's accepting it and not making things harder, and this wouldn't be an FML.

TheUnnamedOne 0

I took it as her just being narcissistic and wanting to hear the speech to make her feel good about herself, even though she wouldn't change her mind.

#62 has it! (i think) i don't think she actually wanted him to try and win her back, but that's what she expected to happen when he came running after her

I agree with #62...I hate people like that.

You are either a drama queen, an attention seeker or you followed some talk show advice about making him want you more by telling him you want to break up. YDI.

Why's this an FML? You drove away with someone elses phone, they got it back. Who cares?

I agree, this isn't an FML. That would be an expected response from the boyfriend. There should be a third button to vote for: This isn't an FML.

yeah i dont get how her life is ****** at all at all like wtf?

Haha exactly. Someone has a princess complex and expects everyone to treat her like a god, when really the world wouldn't give a damn if she just vanished entirely.

For once I have to agree with one of these "This isn't an FML" comments. It's really not. I think it's horrible when girls expect boys to be completely broken and desperately wanting them back after dumping them. It's just sad to want other people to be in pain like that.

alex_vik 0

You're a bitch. You wanted to hear him beg you to come back.

worldsanchor 5

YDI.. You broke up with him then expected him to beg to get you back? Welcome to reality girl! I would want my phone back too, they are expensive.

lyndis_fml 0

That would be illegal and stupid. She broke up with him. What's she got to be upset about? If she wanted a clean break she should have given the phone back first.

If he bought the phone for her it wouldn't be illegal. She can do whatever she wants with it.

GDinNJ 0

What for? Because he has the pride to not beg for her back after she dumped him? Because he didn't want to date someone who expects that people are going to be destroyed when she leaves them? No, he did nothing wrong. She's just a bitch.

....and this is why us females get a bad name, because of stupid crazy bitches like you. Why can't people just amicably break up? She didn't want him anymore, so she should give his cellphone back too (in one ******* piece).

summerguy97 16

29- You idiot he forgot HIS phone in the car. He wouldn't have tried to get her to stop of it was her phone.