By Jmdezy - 05/04/2016 15:45 - United States

Today, I was drunk and sent my friend a picture of my penis. He edited the picture and put hands and sunglasses on it before sending it to practically everyone I know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 787
You deserved it 24 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know it was an accident in OP's case, but we as a society should really agree on this as the standard punishment for anyone sending unsolicited dick pics.

Probably the only hands that have been on it in a while huh OP? Haha I'm sorry I had to. But really I hope your face wasn't in the picture so people don't know it's you.


I know it was an accident in OP's case, but we as a society should really agree on this as the standard punishment for anyone sending unsolicited dick pics.

As a girl on the internet I had to see too many dicks. It all got better once I decided to save every pic and send another one back. Stops the senders erection immediatly.

UserError94 18

Then even more people get dick pics? This isn't one of those fight fire with fire moments lol

It absolutely is a fight fire with fire moment. Except instead of building a firebreak to stop a fire spreading you're building a wall of dick pics.

well yeah it's on him, it's his penis:).......but yeah it's all you, you screwed the pooch on this one and to deal with it.

Well, unless the picture had your face in it, no one would know that it's your penis. So don't take it too seriously.

Getting a picture of your junk shared amongst everyone is something to take seriously, regardless of context.

Probably the only hands that have been on it in a while huh OP? Haha I'm sorry I had to. But really I hope your face wasn't in the picture so people don't know it's you.

You deserve it, I would say pick better grinds, but that's something my friends would do

Well it's alway good to look classy no matter what part of the body it is

catsbeforeyou 19

That's classy of your friend to give it a nice disguise

taylor9140 21

dude that's why we can't have nice things