Mama Bear

By Ally - 19/05/2022 16:00

Today, I met my boyfriend's parents. We've been dating for almost 5 months and are extremely in love. His mom basically said to me, "I want what’s best for my son and you aren’t it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 970
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her -- she's just saying that you are not her. Sometimes the Oedipus Complex runs the other way.

Sounds like he’s going to have to make a serious decision ahead. Be prepared, and I hope he isn’t a major mama’s boy.


Don't worry about her -- she's just saying that you are not her. Sometimes the Oedipus Complex runs the other way.

Well, that's called a Jocasta complex.

kitten79TX 5

Not necessarily true. Scroll down to my response to the o.p. about the discussion I had woth my mother in law when I met her the first time.

Sounds like he’s going to have to make a serious decision ahead. Be prepared, and I hope he isn’t a major mama’s boy.

The choice to continue the relationship is between you and your BF, not her. So the question related to her is if she truly wants her son to be happy. If so, then her role in relation to her adult (?) is to support her. it is not in her best interest to undermine your relationship as it can drive the two of you away from her and could prevent future family from meeting her. I have seen this in my own family with my own mother. Either she supports her sons happiness or is left out. It sounds harsh, but she should not be the reason for a future divorce.

If you see a pattern of him siding with her over you regarding anything and everything, dump him immediately. That would never change. You should be his top priority.

kitten79TX 5

She may ne right. Or she may be overprotective. When I met my husband's mother for thr first time (when we were dating), she said, "I like you. You're good for him. You'll be married sooner rather than later. I didn't like his last girlfriend. She wasn't right for him and I told him that." Sometimes mothers just know.