By huwauw - 17/09/2010 20:33 - United States

Today, I was doing my homework on the computer when my dad walked by with a plate of food, threw his fork at me, and said "POSTURE!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 979
You deserved it 7 319

Same thing different taste


hahaha epic!!!! my rents do that to me. it's normally ' take that humph of your back, no one loves a hunch back' gutted

ageofkyle 0

you shouldve yelled back, "child abuse!"

throwing forks isn't bad. what's bad is throwing a hissy fit about getting a fork thrown at you.

trumpetGIRL12345 0

something like this happened to me in band I was kinda slouching which is bad so the conducted threw a quarter at me to "see if I was awake" bcuz apparently it looked like I wasn't lol