By snazz23 - 13/06/2016 14:24 - United States - Leander
snazz23 tells us more.
Because I would have to go 30 miles out of my way to get her, and take her 30 miles out of my way to take her home. So that's 60 miles total....on my wedding day.
Top comments
wow that sucks
Great input, buddy. Uh, not like this is any better. *backs away slowly*
It's Texas, so I don't blame you for refusing to drive her. We use horses here.
Well maybe they aren't a true friend then
How inconsiderate of her
well, it's not like you have anything else to do...
Some friend! Anyway, congratulations on being married!
wow, that's absolutely ridiculous and rude to even ask a bride to do.. Congrats on getting married!
She doesn't sound like a very good friend!

just out of curiosity, why did you refuse ? coz the destination was same anyways
Because I would have to go 30 miles out of my way to get her, and take her 30 miles out of my way to take her home. So that's 60 miles total....on my wedding day.
That makes sense. It wasn't all that clear in the original post. Either way you were right to politely refuse to drive someone on your wedding. And your friend is an ass for blocking you. Congratulations and much happiness to you and your spouse.
Not to mention the bride has to get ready for the wedding, which the amount of time that takes depends on the wedding, and the friend might want to go to places to get things done. It's ridiculous to expect the groom and bride, who are already stressed trying to make sure everything is ready, to take care of your ass too.
No offense, your friend is an idiot. Congrats on your wedding though!
OP, is the distance really the issue here? After all, it's not out of the way if you're going there yourself. The point is that it's your wedding day and you shouldn't be expected to give anyone a ride to the wedding, even if it was five minutes away.
#34, no, she wasn't in the wedding because she had spent the last few months telling me how much of a mistake she thinks my marriage is and neither me, nor my husband thought it would be appropriate for her to have an important role
makes perfect sense. my oldest friend is no longer my choice for maid of honour (and possibly no longer a bridesmaid at all) after she tried to convince me to cheat on my fiance. plus she's continued to prove she's no longer a good friend, either. unfortunately, sometimes the longest relationships/friendships are not necessarily healthy ones.
Sounds like you got lucky. Im sorry the friendship ended like that but no one deserves such a shitty friend. congratulations on your wedding!
Are you stupid?
She's not worth it, I used to get used for driving all the time, it definitely can break friendships
I've only been driving for one month today and I've already had a broken group friendship over not being able to drive to prom cause I'd barley been driving and my mum said it would be too dangerous as it was quite far and I didn't know the country roads or have even driven on the motorway yet :) people can be so selfish and use you so much

It's Texas, so I don't blame you for refusing to drive her. We use horses here.
I'm assuming that as the bride, she was taking a limo or other transportation. Plus it's her day, she shouldn't have to worry about anyone else