By roadbikemama - 25/10/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was cooking. I leaned over the stove to preheat the oven, and burned my nipple on a pot of boiling water. I also have a teething son who is breastfeeding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 262
You deserved it 11 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments


why would you cook while your naked WTF

cheshire008 0

Lady.. u do know that you have to stop breast feeding eventually.. specially if ur child is already growing teeh!! He or she can already eat other kind of things... whoa.. I really hope this is ur 1st child and that 4 that reason u'r still breast feeding a kid that big..

shayyyyy 0

the kid doesn't neccesarily have to be big, my cousin started teething at 8 months old, and my aunts' doctor advised her to keep breastfeeding till the child was atleast one, but even so a lot of mothers don't stop till the baby is around 18 months or even two years old.

shayyyyy 0

I can't imagine how you could have accomplished this...either you're short or you were boiling water in a stock pot

G_thelegend 0

how in the world do you burn your nipple?