By roadbikemama - 25/10/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was cooking. I leaned over the stove to preheat the oven, and burned my nipple on a pot of boiling water. I also have a teething son who is breastfeeding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 262
You deserved it 11 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments


creepmucker 0

Aren't babies that are old enough to be teething usually weened from breast feeding?

miley_baby 0

Okay lol this was funny for a few reasons and you kind of deserved it. 1.) if you feel the need that you still much breast feed a terthing child then you have another boob in case you hadn't noticed so flop the kid over to the other and you will be fine unless you burned the other too (which would mean you're retarded 2.) being a chick myself there is this awsome little invention called a BRA i promise you it will protect your nipples from weird freak accident nipple burnings! i can give you my word! 3.) if you are going to cook then PUT ON CLOTHES! i mean i enjoy walking around my house as much as the next guy in fact i often do! but i'm never dumb enough to cook in the nude..

boatkicker 4

Okay lol this was funny for a few reasons and you kind of deserved it. 1.) Both produce milk. It is not comfortable to only have one emptied all the time. Also child is teething. Soon you will have two sore nipples and no relief for either, if you did this. 2.) Having burnt my boobs before, I have to say, no, a bra does NOT protect against freak accident burns. Lucky for me it was the underside of them sorta (had a hot cookie sheet jammed under them) 3.) See above: things burn through clothing, depending on the type. That's why people use potholders instead of just a towel or something. Potholders are designed to have extra insulation that most fabric does not. Would you take a hot pan with metal handles off the stove with a t-shirt? No (or else you're a fool) If your HANDS cant touch it safely with just a shirt, why should a body part as tender as the nipple?

mizsunshine 3

You, my dear, are dumb as ****. Let me explain, as you OBVUOUSLY can't read, and know Nothing about breastfeeding. First off, she's already stated that she was wearing clothes. Second, if she switches the baby to the other breast long enough for the burn to heal, she could develop a serious infection. Third, just because her baby is teething does not mean she should stop breast feeding. That's ridiculous.

LOL ppl are funny!!! Its very entertaining :D!! Sorry for u and ur nipple. Shit happens! Simple: Put antibacterial with hydrocortisone cream on that nipple. Feed baby on the other breast, but keep pumping the affected breast. So u dont dry up :)

That really sucks. A lot. And it's gonna hurt so bad when the milk builds up, (as I'm sure you're aware). Hope it heals well and that your son doesn't bite so much ^^;

kirkcantjerk 0

at least u dont need to warm the milk for him :p