By Username - 09/05/2011 17:23 - China
Same thing different taste
By foolmetwice - 16/05/2011 14:28
By pygmalion - 26/09/2009 10:39 - United Kingdom
By burnt - 13/08/2012 04:43 - Australia - Middle Swan
For science
By Rach - 26/10/2023 04:00 - United Kingdom - Glasgow
By numbtongue - 13/03/2015 04:19 - New Zealand - Dunedin
But… why?
By Fmylife - 06/07/2011 09:17 - United States
Big kid
By Pauly - 10/02/2025 12:00 - United States
Butter fingers
By SplashOuch - 05/01/2010 17:58 - United States
By thatchick3333 - 08/03/2012 07:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/09/2010 04:09 - United States
Top comments
Burnt nostrils. At least when you breathe, it smells like a nice cuppa tea!
how do i message people!!!!
That once happened to me but with soda.
wow that's sad... at least you didn't spray it all over the other person
#92 So you were talking to your co-worker while sipping on some boiling soda and failed to notice you were placing the soda up against your lips while still burning hot, then to proceed on to drinking it and having it run through your nose to your comrade's amusement and as a result had your nose and inside of your mouth terribly injured. Yeah right, as if that could happen with soda.
Just wait till the blisters pop and you have weird blister juices coming out your nose!
Does it also increase the pleasure of firing said burning tea through one's nose cannons?
Be glad it was just water.
Boiled water, you idiot. Do you have any idea how much that would hurt?
Be glad it was water? As opposed to what? Boiling lava?
My comment was a fail I'm gonna go ahead and apologize right now.
Be glad it was just water? As opposed to what? Boiling lava?
Apologies on the internet? Unheard of!
Who DOESN'T make cups of boiled pee?! I mean really.
guys he apologized so just stop writing shit and go ahead thumbs down this comment because u guys don't like what I'm typing but just let it go cause he apologized
#112 gtfo booooooooo....
your mom her ass
Your attempt at humor was admirable.
owww... yikes
I love that word... Whilst, it just seems so sophisticated!!!!!
Then again, you forgot it was boiling hot tea... Hmmmmm...
Ow! That sounds so painful :/ Lesson learned I guess?
all the above!
33 - i would say the 2nd one bout the temperature... it makes most sense
maybe if gayboii continues these non-gay comments we might hate him a lol less
A lol less?
*little less
Ouch and I thought burning your tongue was bad...
pay closer attention to what you're doing
that's not funny
it wasn't suppose to be dummy
ohhh... that oughta hurt! why the hell would you just take a big sip of boiling hot tea?!
why not?
because burnt nostrils are a pain! And @34 i was being sarcastic :P

My comment was a fail I'm gonna go ahead and apologize right now.
I can't even imagine that pain. I wonder how bad it hurts to sneeze...