By squirty_joe - 08/03/2009 18:37 - United States

Today, at work, I was alone in the breakroom when I got a slight pain in my belly. I thought I needed to pass gas, so I tried since no one else was in there. It wasn't gas. It was diarrhea. I'm wearing a mini skirt today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 291
You deserved it 20 550

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow. i signed up for an account just so i could say this... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Kimien 0

and you know what? I'm eating right now...

who cares if you are eating that's hilarious

miamiFTW_ 0

CHOCOLATE RAIN! some stay dry and others feel the pain.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

CHOCOLATE RAIN! Angels cry and shake their heads in shame

th3wh1tee 0

Well at least no one was there and the better story would probably be the one about how you managed to get to the bathroom from the break room unless there is one in the break room.

awe that sucks soo bad fyl sorry :(

FML for the person who will need to clean it up!

Da_Bauss435 8

Yeah well I bet she must be feeling pretty shitty

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wow. i signed up for an account just so i could say this... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA