By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 02:18 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
He's still got it
By Anonymous - 26/10/2019 00:01
By yeah why not - 06/04/2013 17:06 - Norway
By paige - 01/04/2011 03:18 - United States
By srs - 11/08/2018 20:30
Anger management
By FML - 08/12/2013 18:00 - Puerto Rico - Cayey
By don'tdrinkthat - 03/11/2013 22:27 - United States - Quincy
By Werner - 02/03/2009 21:04 - United States
By chiktikka - 14/01/2014 22:06 - United Kingdom
By Deadman - 02/04/2012 13:37 - United States
By Eric - 13/05/2011 02:19
Top comments
14- the lady in your picture has the biggest camel toe I've ever seen.
He has no room to talk, kids learn by watching and he is a failure as a proper role model. I can see it now;you'll be in AA on your 21st B-Day. FYL indeed!
Not all parents are role models. Lots of us are cautionary tales. It's not hypocrisy to tell your kid, "Do you want to become an old drunk like me?" Focus on the message and not the messenger. Your dad knows the evils of alcohol first-hand (and concurrently), and he's trying to steer you away from the path he has taken. By the way, was it that famous Canadian tequila?
You had me fooled.
Sure, it's ironic but unless he was completely shit-faced, I don't see a problem. If your really young like 15, (because yes, I understand people drink in HS) your dad is completely correct. You shouldn't have been drinking in the first place.
Good job dad. Do as he says not as he does eh. ;)
If your father has only one drink, his breath will still smell of alcohol. OP, your father is over the legal drinking age, he can drink. If you are a minor, he has every right to lecture you, and he isn't being a hypocrite for doing that. And I think he's more concerned with you out being drunk, than being drunk at home.
#16 For some reason, I have the worst taste in my mouth.
19: just because the OP's father drinks and is a hypocrite about it doesnt mean the OP will be an alky. s/he can see the hypocrisy, so s/he probably wont.
Not everyone looks at their parents and decides they're going to be exactly like them. I know for me my parents do some stuff I don't particularly agree with, but that's their choice, I just make the decision to not let that factor become an influence on me. In the end, it is always, to some degree, up to the individual to choose how they want to live their live.
He never said he was underage
Alcohol isn't harmful if not misused, it is only in any case harmful if misused, as is everything else.
If he's not underage then he's in a sad state living at home to be lectured about drinking. But mostly the living at home part.
OP is from the UK. The drinking age is 18 here. It's really not uncommon for people to live at home into their early 20s, what with university and the fact that there are next to no starter homes on the housing market. Also, the drinking age of at-home-with-parents is really young. It's not uncommon for older teens (16+) to have alcohol at parties and as long as nothing gets broken and no-one gets hurt many parents turn a blind eye beyond "you know the drinking age is 18 sweetie". The concept of an alcohol-induced anti-alcohol speech is highly amusing to me thought.
While the legal drinking age over here is 18 this only applies to the purchase and consumption of alcohol - at 16 you can legally drink beer, lager, cider, wine etc (not spirits) in a licensed premises (eg pub, hotel) if you are a) having the drink with a meal and b) with a responsible adult doing the same. There is NO legal minimum age for drinking alcohol in the house - though obviously if you give a 5 year old alcohol don't be surprised if social services get involved when he starts boasting at school. Personally I'm a lot happier allowing my 16-year old to drink occasionally in the house rather than have her outside drinking Strongbow in the local park like a chav - it gives parents an opportunity to educate the kids about abusing it. When I lived in the States I thought it was ridiculous that parents I knew didn't even give their kids a glass of wine on special events like xmas dinner or thanksgiving. It's part of growing up here.
Shut the **** up
Well, you're probably underage... in which case, he has the right to do that. If not, your dad is boss.
Well.. was it tequila or beer? or both?
Well said.
lmao now you know who not to look up to
You should've said "I guess I just wanted to try those fancy drinks you always have!" unless you're underage, then yeah, he should try to make sure you don't drink.
Time to bring Chris Farley back from the dead to be your motivational speaker
My name is Matt Foley! And I live in a van down by the river!
Give your dad a lecture on alcoholism
Dad is entitled to drink what he wants.

Well u shouldn't have been drinking in the first place and yea ik I'm a buzz kill
Wonderful role model.