By ohshootgirl - 04/10/2010 02:06 - United States

Today, I was coming out of my work and a group of guys yelled, "Oh shoot girl!" and I blew them a kiss jokingly, then as I walked down the street, cars were honking at me, guys whistling. When I got home I noticed the foot long rip down my pencil skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 000
You deserved it 28 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

OP you shouldn't wear skirts made of pencils, you could stab your thighs. :o

FYLDeep 25

I bet you looked sharp in that pencil skirt.


katelynjoy 0're kind of a ****. I'm just saying(:

Blowing kisses to random strangers isn't my thing either, but that doesn't make her a ****. Having an unknown rip in her skirt doesn't make her a **** at all.

The_Earth 0

it's better than them doing the complete opposite.. outloud.

The_Earth 0

ignorance, gotta watch out for the horny people. they can be weird..

That's a horrible thing to say! Here I am, quoting lyrics from Usher!

@Ignorance Lmao Get over yourself ... you think your the shit.. but u really just smell like it you Sad Sad Sad emo:P

If you're smelling shit, it's probably from the vicinity you're in.

blo0_starZz 0

agreed! *highfives* BITCHES SUUUUCKKKKK! >:D I hope yo momma be home when I get there! Mhmmmm <.< Meow? :B

Sexywifey91 0

who cares if she was enjoying the attention... maybe she never had it before so it was building up herself esteem.. how can you call her a ***** when half of you would probabally do the same thing if hot guys were checking you out... people are so stupid....

wtfsnickers 1

you won't have to worry about finding a guy now

jinxthejinx 0

There was once an OP from New York She looked like a big piece of pork Then strangely one day Cat calls came her way But just 'cause she looked like a dork

mckibabe 7

1. She never said she was from New York. 2. You don't know she is fat. 3. She probably didn't look like a dork.