By ohshootgirl - 04/10/2010 02:06 - United States

Today, I was coming out of my work and a group of guys yelled, "Oh shoot girl!" and I blew them a kiss jokingly, then as I walked down the street, cars were honking at me, guys whistling. When I got home I noticed the foot long rip down my pencil skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 000
You deserved it 28 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

OP you shouldn't wear skirts made of pencils, you could stab your thighs. :o

FYLDeep 25

I bet you looked sharp in that pencil skirt.


merissaaaaa 0

How would someone liking attention make them a ****? I'm just saying, I might not have blew the guys a kiss, but I sure would of smiled and waved. I don't think she's a **** at all, so all of y'all who think because of the skirt she's a ****, or a *****, or hooker...yeah, it doesn't make her a *****

that's the kind of attention you want? be a stripper. & how do you get a foot long tear in your skirt without noticing. I find that hard to believe

Jesus christ get over yourself.............

blo0_starZz 0

If you put a pic that makes you look "hot", then you lose the right to get angry when somebody says so. Bitch. ****(: @redbluegreen, LALALALAAAAAA *off pitch* :D

blo0_starZz 0

I don't think a **** would wear a pencil skirt? And just cause she flaunts it, doesn't mean she's a ****. And considering she put it in FML, she's DEFINATELY not a ****. Bananas 0.o

GoSmegma 0

Wow, sure are ******* annoying.

spanelli 16

She's going to cast some Satanic Demon on you.

karmaslave 5 did you not notice that?