By brokenrainbow. - 31/12/2009 13:28 - United Kingdom

Today, I finally discovered the reason my front room smelt funny. My dog, thinking the Christmas tree was real, has been peeing on it for the past two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 207
You deserved it 5 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't recognise what dog pee smells like? I can't believe it took you that long to notice...

I used to work at a dog grooming place and we would put a tree up every year. My boss finally changed it to a fake tree since the dogs would use it as a toilet...but with the fake tree, we never had any troubles since there was no scent.


You can't recognise what dog pee smells like? I can't believe it took you that long to notice...

you didn't see any puddles or wet patches under it?

Tamara2011 0

haha well either your dumb because it took 2 weeks for you to realize or your dog just outsmarted you either way that sucks and good luck getting rid of the smell someones gonna need a new tree :)

somethingnew319 0

ur pretty retarded if u dnt kno why dog piss smells like

WougieBougie 0
pancakes_n_syrup 0

We have a 3 year old potty trained dog but each Christmas, without fail, she will go to the bathroom under the tree from the day we put it up until the day we take it down. something about those trees makes them think they're outside or something

it has something to do with fish but it also is passed tense of smell, it is used in UK and Australia (where I am from) Its not used here in USA.