By ohshootgirl - 04/10/2010 02:06 - United States

Today, I was coming out of my work and a group of guys yelled, "Oh shoot girl!" and I blew them a kiss jokingly, then as I walked down the street, cars were honking at me, guys whistling. When I got home I noticed the foot long rip down my pencil skirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 000
You deserved it 28 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SirWhatsHisFace 0

OP you shouldn't wear skirts made of pencils, you could stab your thighs. :o

FYLDeep 25

I bet you looked sharp in that pencil skirt.


misslittlelady 0

was the rip in the front or the back? and i doubt OP is really a ****, i personally flip guys off who whistle in the car but maybe she just liked being noticed for a moment. :)

yummycupcakegirl 0

damn that sucks but WTF would u blow a kiss? :/ that's just weird

It's a fairly average picture. Were you expecting a hijab?

The little kiddies who comment in this site have hit a new low with that first thread and the other equally stupid "*****" comments. No wonder that you little losers will never get laid. Too bad you are still too young to even realize that.

nice one man seriously how is she a ***** for being whistled at, dumbasses sure the blowing a kiss thing was a little fruity but whatever

EpicPwnageGuy 0

YDI for blowing kisses, not knowing y people are honking at you, and for walking.

wriptidez 0

subconciosly u hate those keys

Happened to me in 3rd grade. Except with my finger bleeding all over my new tan cargo pants. During gym. I never saw the pants again:(