
By Anonymous - 26/12/2012 18:30 - United States - Bakersfield

Today, while at the store with my mom and baby brother, a guy started to talk to me. Just as he went to give me his number, my mom handed me my brother and said, "Here's your son, your AA meeting's in an hour, let's go." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 921
You deserved it 5 407

Same thing different taste

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What a way to introduce your family!

redhedsaysrawr 18

Hey might as well teach em while theyre young to lie and fabricate stories to avoid potential unpleasantries. def winning at mothering...

I love this comment. And your profile pic. Ahh rainbow road... How I hated you in Mario kart.

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I know, right? She's even taking OP to her AA meeting. What a wonderful woman.......

I agree with 5. Motherly instincts y'all know.

Oh yes, protecting her from those evil grocery fiends.

n3rd43v3r 10

That's when you wink, lick your lips, and walk away

Troll level: Overprotective Mom. Lol what a dick move.

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

not overprotective.. just a troll.

Mister_Triangle 21

No, that's not what trolling means; and it's definitely because she thought she was helping (thus overprotective)