By poohead - 09/12/2009 05:07 - Australia

Today, I was cleaning out my new guinea pig cage for the first time because one of them had babies last night. After using a spatula to shovel up the 3 inch layer of crap and placenta, I decided to hose it down. The hose came on so hard, it sprayed the dung and birth water all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 146
You deserved it 30 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3 inch layer of dirt, shouldn't you have cleaned them out a long time ago?

A guinea pigs pregnancy is 65-72 days...if this was the first time you cleaned it since you got them then you definitely deserve it. Also, I notice you live in do know that there are approximately 300+ guinea pigs languising in Australian Cavy Sanctuary shelters in QLD right? And many more in the NSW + Victorian shelters. If you bred on purpose then you really deserve it.


3 inch layer of dirt, shouldn't you have cleaned them out a long time ago?

really shouldnt be that hard to clean it, how can you live with the smell?

They could've just put too much bedding in it. Tons of people do that. They don't realize how quickly it can get gross.

Raffie_fml 0

FYL. but you should have been more careful

A guinea pigs pregnancy is 65-72 days...if this was the first time you cleaned it since you got them then you definitely deserve it. Also, I notice you live in do know that there are approximately 300+ guinea pigs languising in Australian Cavy Sanctuary shelters in QLD right? And many more in the NSW + Victorian shelters. If you bred on purpose then you really deserve it.

starshine3987 0

Btw I just noticed it says "one of them" as in she has many guinea pigs. Seriously, if you have multiple genders of guinea pigs living together this wont be the last litter you have to deal with. Rodents multiply incredibly fast. Please separate the males and females in the litter as soon as you can tell what their genders are. It doesn't take long for babies to mature enough to reproduce themselves. As #5 said there are already tons of animals who don't have homes so allowing them to procreate more is incredibly irresponsible, if not just plain heartless. If I knew you I'd call the humane society and have those poor animals taken away from such a careless pet owner. God forbid you ever have children of your own.

eradonnes 0

people what the ****. leave the girl alone you buttholes

Guinea pigs clean up after themselves after birth. When I had pet guinea pigs and if they had gotten pregnant sometimes I would never know (they would have 1 or 2 and not show) because guinea pigs typically have their births at night/early morning and clean up the stuff themselves. ONE TIME I came home and looking in the cage the cage was clean and the baby wasn't yet clean.

Ketsuhime 0

Use newspaper on the bottom then put bedding on it. When is the last time you cleaned out her cage? Good lord!

itslilly123 0

He said new cage... he most likely got one that was already pregnant, it happened to my sister. So he probably didn't go without cleaning it for months.

myhairynutsack 0

It said there was a 3 inch layer of crap. That says a lot.