By poohead - 09/12/2009 05:07 - Australia

Today, I was cleaning out my new guinea pig cage for the first time because one of them had babies last night. After using a spatula to shovel up the 3 inch layer of crap and placenta, I decided to hose it down. The hose came on so hard, it sprayed the dung and birth water all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 144
You deserved it 30 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3 inch layer of dirt, shouldn't you have cleaned them out a long time ago?

A guinea pigs pregnancy is 65-72 days...if this was the first time you cleaned it since you got them then you definitely deserve it. Also, I notice you live in do know that there are approximately 300+ guinea pigs languising in Australian Cavy Sanctuary shelters in QLD right? And many more in the NSW + Victorian shelters. If you bred on purpose then you really deserve it.


WickedAngel 0

Well, if the OP bought a cage with a grate in the bottom, the placenta could've fell through and the mother wouldn't be able to reach it.

you should never use those type of cages, they can cause terrible injuries to small animals. Broken legs and bumblefoot are the most common.

dsd_fml 2

ur nit supposed to clean the cage for a bit after they have babies

Actually, with Guinea Pigs you can handle them from the moment they are born and the mother will not kill them. They are born fully furred with eyes open etc, pretty much mini versions of adult guinea pigs. They should be eating solid food within 12-24 hours of birth, though they will drink their mothers milk until they have to be weaned at 21 days.

Good one.. Funny story to tell the guinea babies lol

pinkkloverr 0

wtf? please tell me that spatula ISN'T the kind of spatula used for food! that just makes this fml twice as nasty if it was.

Umm... I'm going to guess that part of the 3inches of crap was the shavings or whatever was put down on the bottow of the cage..... and that it's not just all fecal matter.

How the **** do you neglect a rodent long enough for a three-inch layer of shit to form!? As far as I know, you're suppose to clean their cages once a week! Don't get pets if you're not going to get off your ass and take care of them, bitch!

starshine3987 0

That's still a lot of crap. And guinea pig poop is little pellets which are usually hard and easy to clean up (sorry if describing guinea pig turds is tmi). If it was matted down three inches deep, with savings included, that still it a sign it's been there a while and the poor thing has probably had to sleep on it, thus causing it to be matted down. :(

YDI for being a tramp and allowing the '3 inch pile of crap' to collect

turquoisedolphin 0

i have guinea pigs, and you are supposed to clean the cage like once every week.

francinethepig 0

I can't believe you allowed a heavily pregnant guinea pig to give birth in those conditions. YDI. and I've had pet rats before, guinea pig shit on your face is NOT an FML. Go have a shower and in future treat your pigs better.