By somechick - 09/12/2009 05:25 - Canada

Today, I was eating a bag of almonds I got from the bulk food store, picking off what I thought was stringy remnants of their shells. When I finally got down to the bottom of the bag, I found a silk worm circling around the last almond left of a bag of about 200. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 360
You deserved it 6 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nutting wrong with that. And if you send a letter of complaint into the company who sold it to you then you would get a bag or perhaps even a few bags free. ;-)


suaveneanderthal 0

what kind of twit are you OP??? 200 almonds? do you have any idea how few almonds that is for a bulk food store to be selling? try a thousand maybe. Or maybe you got a bag of 200 at a grocery store, but not at a bulk foods store sorry.

At the bulk place I live near, they just have big barrels full of everything and you self-serve into plastic bags.

YayAmerica 0

200 almonds have a LOT of fat and calories no matter where you buy them or what bug is at the bottom!

OMG.:|:| I hope you complained, because that is absolutely repulsive:|:|:|:|:|:| I also hope that no damage was donne.

cxal_fml 0

That's some silk worm you go there if it was circling around, considering they will starve to death rather than move to the next leave on the branch

noobgang7 5

Yay Bulk Barn! Lmao, I guess I will never buy almonds from there.

Shit like this makes me glad to be allergic to almonds xD

Nutting wrong with that. And if you send a letter of complaint into the company who sold it to you then you would get a bag or perhaps even a few bags free. ;-)

On the bright side, silkworms and silk are perfectly edible...

It's not like you where eating poison. At worst, extra healthy protein. At best, just almonds.

MoonyIce 0

Surprise protein! And in the meantime, call them. Like others have said, you'll likely get free stuff.

would you even want free stuff from them after such a discovery?

that is so nasty eww i almost ****** puked thats so grose im gaging over that how the **** could you eat 200 almonds thats so grose

dancingyrlie 1

how can YOU not know how to spell gross or use proper grammar?

peasonearth 8

Please go back to elementary school and learn some sentence structure and basic grammar.