By Anonymous - 29/07/2019 15:00 - United Kingdom - Oldbury

Today, my mum, who always wanted more kids than just me, started crying because I'm not pregnant with her first grandchild yet. I'm 16, and this all started because I got my period and I asked to borrow one of her tampons because I'd ran out of my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 251
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Considering your age, I believe this makes her an unfit parent, don't let her near your children if/when you do have them in your own time

Usually parents do everything they can to prevent their teenage daughters from having sex. I guess you’re just lucky! I’m sure your inbox has a lot of intriguing propositions from sincere, good men.


Usually parents do everything they can to prevent their teenage daughters from having sex. I guess you’re just lucky! I’m sure your inbox has a lot of intriguing propositions from sincere, good men.

Just don't let her anywhere near your birth control arrangements 😂

Considering your age, I believe this makes her an unfit parent, don't let her near your children if/when you do have them in your own time

Wow, since when does a parent encourage their daughter to get pregnant at 16? Wait until you hit 32 and are in the same boat as me - I'm also an only child and keep getting asked when I'm going to give my parents a grandkid.

I hope you understand that you do not owe your mother grandchildren. Not at 16, not when you're older, not ever. Parenthood is a personal decision between partners and is nobody else's business. I'm disturbed that she expects that of you now.

Parents like this are seriously frustrating. What if you don't want kids? What if you want to travel, or have a demanding career, or play sports, or save your money, or do one of the many things that are exponentially easier without children around? Not having children is absolutely an option, and if your mom wants more, your local child services centre would no doubt be thrilled to have a new foster parent.