By Toilettrash - 06/07/2012 10:51 - United States

Today, I was brutally dumped over webcam, by my boyfriend, who was taking a dump with the laptop on his lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 940
You deserved it 2 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KommanderKush420 5

You got dumped while he was taking a dump. He made two dumps at once.

I'm posting this so there's one less spot for a shit related pun. You can thank me later. Also good for you op. Thats some low class shit right there. Do you really want that in your life?


_Holaaaa_ 3

Awwe man that is really sad. I hope he knows what a douchebag move that was

gamepro2012faas 0

They call it dumping for a reason haha u prolly deserved it

D8 that's FRICKIN SCARY be glad u don't hav to deal with THAT anymore!!!!!!

disguy115 4

very symbolic of him, but still shitty

BF: "*plop*, can you hear that sound? Thats the sign of me dumping. You. "

BF: "*plop* Can you hear that? Thats the sound of me dumping. You."

rupertajm90 15