Sharing is caring

By josie - 05/05/2022 10:00

Today, my husband of twenty years thinks I don’t love him. Why? Because I won’t fart in front of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 701
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Farts are funny. It's long past time to stop being prissy. You should have had that comfort level with him after like, a month

Show him the ultimate expression of love. load up on dried apricots cuddle up at night and hit him with a Dutch oven to end all Dutch ovens.


He's so dumb! He doesn't know basic biology. Girls don't fart. Sheesh!

Farts are funny. It's long past time to stop being prissy. You should have had that comfort level with him after like, a month

Show him the ultimate expression of love. load up on dried apricots cuddle up at night and hit him with a Dutch oven to end all Dutch ovens.