Awkward silence

By Anonymous - 24/02/2023 02:00

Today, I was taking notes during a meeting, and politely asked the speaker to repeat a statement. She snapped, "My time has value. I do not repeat. If you don't respect me enough to pay attention, it's your problem." Everyone just stared at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 964
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And then you hold up the notepad and say "Uh, I was taking notes. I asked you to repeat so that I could write what I needed". Rude bitch.

I'd tell her, "My time also has value. I don't need to spend it being spoken to that way. If you don't respect me enough to honor my request, it's your problem."


I'd tell her, "My time also has value. I don't need to spend it being spoken to that way. If you don't respect me enough to honor my request, it's your problem."

And then you hold up the notepad and say "Uh, I was taking notes. I asked you to repeat so that I could write what I needed". Rude bitch.

Nikki 17

Because it’s worked for men for years

vg 4

Think I would just lay down my notepad and very demonstratively stopped taking notes - very visibly stating I no longer care what this person says.

49_Donuts 12

I’d make sure that comment goes into the meeting minutes ;)

"Well then why did you waste everyone's time, including yours, with that silly little declaration, instead of simply repeating what you said so I could write it down?"

wow i didn’t realize you worked for my mom