By pabj208 - 22/12/2015 16:53 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dumped me during what was supposed to be a romantic getaway at a remote log cabin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 780
You deserved it 1 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Worse things have happened at remote log cabins

nonsensical 26

To those calling the boyfriend a dick, maybe something happened during the trip that made him decide to break up? I highly doubt he planned it to happen during a romantic getaway.


Not every break up is planned. I doubt he purposefully spent/made her spend so much money on a getaway only to dump her

Agreed. Maybe he felt hypocritical at the thought of having sex when he figured out he wasn't going to be staying in the relationship.

incoherentrmblr 21

Before it turns into The Shining...

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Mathalamus 24

well, sorry that you got dumped, but at least he had the courtesy to dump you in person.

Yeah, in person. On a romantic getaway. How kind and thoughtful of him.

Mathalamus 24

I bet something did happen, how serious of that something we don't know... But there is a time and a place for everything. Break up with someone on a romantic trip in a secluded cabin? Probably could have waited.

So basically you're saying the ex boyfriend should have faked like everything was fine? Sorry, but no. If he wants to break up he doesn't have to wait for a moment that suits the op.

Dont_Give_A_Fuck 5

So basically you're saying the ex boyfriend should have faked like everything was fine. Sorry, but no. If he wants to break up he doesn't have to wait for a moment that is right for the op.

That's not what I said at all. I said we didn't know how serious it was. if it was something minor like an argument over who left the seat up, perhaps wait. but if the op was being extreme then it's acceptable. Like I said. not enough information to judge.

Tie him up where there's no service and then leave

That's really kinky. I like your style.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Yeah, and then get arrested! Great plan.

well that's awkward... Sorry that happened OP hope you left him alone in that remote cabin

nonsensical 26

To those calling the boyfriend a dick, maybe something happened during the trip that made him decide to break up? I highly doubt he planned it to happen during a romantic getaway.

Now you can dump the body where he dumped you

Plot Twist: OP is secretly a serial killer and tried to kill her boyfriend in the remote cabin, but he escaped as he ran away screaming "We're through!"

Worse things have happened at remote log cabins

Yeah OP, just be glad the cabin isn't actually a cover for a secret monster research laboratory.

LostInTheZone11 29

Or near a source of flesh eating bacteria, or houses a tape recording that unleashes demonic spirits.