By videochat - 14/02/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I cancelled out of a video chat with my boyfriend to go take a dump. I took my computer with me to look at Facebook. It took three minutes for me to realize I was still on video chat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 957
You deserved it 53 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dh71388 0

lol why would you take your laptop just to check facebook? do it from your phone or just wait.

I hope you have an honest boyfriend. The internet is a big place....


dh71388 0

lol why would you take your laptop just to check facebook? do it from your phone or just wait.

I hope you have an honest boyfriend. The internet is a big place....

psh, I think it's totally fine. possibly not something you're comfortable with, but when my boyfriend hears i'm having troubles pooping, he cheers me on. when i take a really really big poo that i'm proud of i get so excited and i just have to show him, he goes "aww good job baby".

metsrule64 0
naza517 0

that is beyond disgusting...eeeewwww

clara99_fml 0

that's kinda weirdd he's conqratulatinq yuh for takinq a dump .

That is the most disgusting and UNromantic thing I've ever heard.... But hey, if your happy...

infantrygirl 0

Yeah... I'm wondering why in all nine hells you would take your computer to the bathroom...

president_benson 0

#6 FTW!! but #7 needs a sense of humor

Let's think about this for a few seconds. First off, if you taken your laptop to the bathroom, you would have it on your lap right? So basically even if your bf was still watching, all he'd see would be you typing on the computer. Unless you're doing something that would be odd while pooping? Or holding your laptop from the toilet?

FunWriter20 0

Lol, I bring my laptop to the bathroom all the time, but have yet to have that happen to me.

addictedcheater 0

i check my e-mail. my phone wont do that kind of stuff and i wont check it any other way LOL

I really wonder what the boyfriend thought of this. #6 lolll

loveelliot 0

LOL, I do it all the time. I mean. Taking the laptop to the loo.